
With the ultimate version of the plugin you can require that guests pay a desposit for their booking.

You can enable this feature using the Require Deposit option at the top of the Settings > Payments page.


The following configuration options are available for the payments feature:

Payment Gateway

Which payment gateway should be used to accept deposits. Default gateways are Stripe and PayPal. If you are using PayPal, make sure to fill in the PayPal Email Address field. There is also an option to add your own extra gateway(s).

Deposit Type

What type of deposit should be required, per reservation or per guest?

Deposit Amount

What deposit amount is required (either per reservation or per guest, depending on the setting above)? Minimum is $0.50 in most currencies.


Select the currency you accept for your deposits.

Currency Symbol

The currency symbol you’d like displayed before or after the required deposit amount.

Currency Symbol Location

Decides whether the currency symbol should be placed before or after the price.

Deposit Applicable

If enabled, under what circumstances should a deposit be required?

Deposit Appliable Days/Times

If selected above, on what days and times should a deposit be required?

Deposit Required Party Size

If selected above, at what party size should deposits be required?


There are also several configuration options that are specific to the Stripe payment gateway, including:

Strong Customer Authorization (SCA)

User will be redirected to Stripe and presented with 3D secure or bank redirect for payment authentication. (May be necessary for certain EU compliance.)

Hold & Charge Separately

With this enabled, the deposit will be taken as a hold and not charged right away. The payment can then be charged/captured manually later by going to the Bookings page, checking a booking and choosing Charge Payment on Hold from the Bulk actions dropdown menu. If not captured, the hold on the amount will be released after 7 days, which is the maximum allowable by Stripe. The SCA option must be enabled to use the hold feature.

CC Expiration Single Field

Should the field for card expiry details be a single field with a mask or two separate fields for month and year?

Test/Live Mode

Should the system use test or live mode? Test mode should only be used for testing, no deposits will actually be processed while turned on.

Stripe Live Secret

The live secret that you have set up for your Stripe account.

Stripe Live Publishable

The live publishable that you have set up for your Stripe account.

Stripe Test Secret

The test secret that you have set up for your Stripe account. Only needed for testing payments.

Stripe Test Publishable

The test publishable that you have set up for your Stripe account. Only needed for testing payments.