Five Star Restaurant Reservations Developer Documentation

The developer documentation is for coders who want to learn how to extend the plugin with the available filters, hooks and code snippets.

If you’re not a coder, you’re probably looking for the User Guide.

Five Star Restaurant Reservations comes with several filters and hooks to make it more extensible for developers.


These are the available filters. You could, for example, use these in your theme’s functions.php file to extend the functionality of the plugin.

  • rtb_party_size_upper_limit => Set the upper limit for the party size dropdown box on the settings page
  • rtb-max-reservations-upper-limit => Set the upper limit for the maximum reservations dropdown box on the settings page (default 100)
  • rtb-max-people-upper-limit => Set the upper limit for the maximum people dropdown box on the settings page (default 100)
  • rtb-auto-confirm-reservations-upper-limit => Set the upper limit for the auto-confirm reservations dropdown box on the settings page (default 100)
  • rtb-auto-confirm-seats-upper-limit => Set the upper limit for the autoiconfirm seats dropdown box on the settings page (default 400)
  • rtb_booking_submit_success_redirect => Manipulate the redirect after a successful booking. For example, you could use a different redirect URL for different times of the day. It receives three parameters and returns a URL. Example.

Code Snippets

These are the available code snippets:

Code Snippets for Addons