
The theme comes with four different overall styles. Changing the style will impact the overall layout (including the navigation and page title areas), the color palette and the fonts used for your site.

Available Styles


This style uses the theme’s built-in default color palette, fonts, layout and navigation style.

Transparent Menu

This style uses the theme’s built-in default color palette and fonts, but sets a different layout that includes a navigation menu with a transparent background, which blends into the hero image on the homepage and into the title area on internal pages. The title area is also bigger on internal pages, offering room for more prominent featured images and a more visual experience.


This style uses a similar layout to the default style, but with a different color palette and different fonts, with the aim of giving a more refined/upscale look out of the box.

Food Ordering

The food ordering style alters the layout and other elements to be more geared, out of the box, to a site that has food ordering as its main purpose. This includes more prominent menu and food ordering features on the homepage as well as direct integration with the included food ordering homepage template.

Set the Overall Style

To choose an overall style, in your WordPress admin, just navigate to Appearance > Editor and click on Styles.